i am angelgirl

Friday, November 24, 2006

It's Payback Time!

After months of pushing myself into the limits, I got my sentence yesterday! Yipee! *wink* Hmmm.. Dont you think I sound too happy here..^^ I've been experiencing chest pains and difficulty of breathing for quite a month now and I didn't take it seriously until I had my asthma attack last Saturday. All through out this week the pain continued and occurred several times in a day. Finally, I realized that I wanted to live after all... so I went to the doctor yesterday (thanks for the prodding of my officemates). And guess what - I acquired Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease (layman's term - Acid Reflux), a serious form of heartburn. Well, I had the same reaction, how on earth could that be related to my asthma attack. So my doctor explained it in detail but since I've got a short term memory, Ive completely forgotten it,Gastro what??!! hehehe. But thanks to the internet, I got a quite easier explanation here:

GERD is the chronic backward flow of stomach acids into the esophagus. Usually, stomach acid is kept in the stomach by a valve at the bottom of the esophagus called the lower esophageal sphincter. Sometimes, this valve becomes faulty. When this acid enters the lower part of the esophagus, it can produce a burning sensation, commonly referred to as heartburn. If left untreated, GERD can eventually lead to lung damage, ulcers in the esophagus (the swallowing tube), and in some instances "Barrett's esophagus," a condition that may lead to esophageal cancer.

And the relationship between asthma and reflux:
1. The acid flow causes injury to the lining of the throat, airways and lungs, making inhalation difficult and often causing a persistent cough.

2. When acid enters the esophagus, a nerve reflex is triggered, causing the airways to narrow in order to prevent the acid from entering. This will cause a shortness of breath.

So there it is! Amazing! Heheheh. Now, I remember what the doctor said ehehe.. *wink*

Anyways, the worst part of any consultation with a doctor is when he tells you the dos and don'ts. Mine includes:
1. Give up (sabe give up hindi cut down or limit huhuhuh) smoking, alcohol, coffee, tea, chocolates, AND fatty, fried & spicy food. Number 1 palang di ko na kaya! Chocolates igi-give up ko???!!! Huhuhu!
2. Eat smaller portions of food. Nasanay kasi ako not eating breakfast and then I take my lunch around 1-2 pm. Minsan den I love food trip.. ung kainan na wala nang bukas! T_T
3. Eat meals at least three to four hours before lying down, and avoid bedtime snacks. So wala nang midnight snack.
4. Elevate the head of the bed or mattress 6 to 8 inches. This helps to keep acid in the stomach by gravity when sleeping.

The medicines I have to take is another part of the story. Now I have to spend for the Ventolin Inhaler and Nexium Proton Pump Inhibitor. If only I quitted smoking and drinking a little earlier... If only na lang masasabi ko ngayon.. Hahhaha...

So tama pala ung cliche na "nasa huli ang pagsisisi". Now its really payback time. =) Tama na ang pagiging pasaway! ^__^


Blogger Lia Amanda said...

Heya :) I have GERD, too :)

How long did the doctor require you to take Nexium? :) Mahal yan! It's 100php a pill :) If you're looking for a cheaper alternative, try Omepron, 50php, once a day also :)

Hehehehe... for now, cut back on chocolates, but when you're ok na, u can go back to eating them, pero not as much :) And eat them on a full stomach na lang :)

I love tea and coffee, pero I don't drink as much as before na because I'm scared to aggravate my reflux heheh :)

9:15 PM  
Blogger angelgirl said...

Yey! Hahaha! Yeah its too expensive.. its exactly 105.50 a pill. And I have to take it for 2 weeks! And this GERD thingie triggers my asthma attacks and I had to take my inhaler continuously (akala ko I outgrew my asthma already). Im just sad nowadays because i need to cut back on chocolates. Its too hard to fight the temptation but thank God I am surviving! :)

Im on my fifth day and I haven't had any coffee, tea, chocolates, alcoholic drinks and cigarettes. Weeeee way to go! ^_^

Im just quite worried because Ive been drinking milk almost every meal, upon waking up until before I sleep. My super-exaggerated Mom (but thanks for caring for me!^^) gave me 3 cartons of powdered milk - Nido, Carnation Calcium Plus Nonfat and Bear Brand. Thanks God again Im not lactose intolerant.

And I dont like to imagine how Id look in a couple of weeks because of my milk drinking spree. Hehe. :)

7:16 PM  

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